Corporate / Social - Kemiplast

your projects
are our priority

social - Kemiplast

Kemiplast knows that being a responsible company means taking care not only of the environment, but also of the people who live in it.
For this reason, we have always offered direct support to organizations, associations and foundations that work towards the realization of humanitarian projects.

We promote solidarity initiatives annually: with a direct
donation for the realization of one or more specific projects
of the Association benefiting from our solidarity initiative and
the promotion of a fundraiser with the public to carry out further humanitarian projects indicated by the same.

Meyer - Kemiplast

fondazione ospedale pediatrico meyer onlus

In 2020 we supported the project “Your company for Meyer” with a donation for the Meyer Pediatric Hospital Foundation in Florence that works to improve life and takes care of our children.

Istituto degli Innocenti - Kemiplast

Fondazione istituto degli innocenti onlus

In 2020 we donated to the Istituto degli Innocenti Foundation in Florence which gives support and supports the Institute’s activities aimed at children and families in difficulty, and defense of childhood rights.

Villa Nazareth - Kemiplast

comunità domenico tardini onlus -villa nazareth

In 2020 we supported the University College Villa Nazareth which welcomes over 80 deserving students and students coming from families unable to support their university studies.

Montedomini - Kemiplast

comunità asp firenze montedomini

In 2020 we supported the ASP Montedomini community in Florence, which operates in the field of health, education and rehabilitation assistance for the elderly and disabled.